Train Wreck Movie Essay

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The film Train Wreck, starring Amy Schemer, fits perfectly into popular culture because it is a romantic comedy with a crude sense of humor that so many people can relate to. Romantic comedies are a big part of popular culture, movies like Bridgette Jones’ Diary and Valentine’s Day. I think for the most part, people like watching romantic movies that have happy endings, but they like them even more when there is comedy involved, I know that I do. When you have someone famous for being a comedian starring in the film, they throw in some crude humor. Crude humor similar to movies like Super Bad or Pineapple Express, I think this type of humor makes the movie less cheesy and even more hilarious. This film also fits perfectly in popular culture because of the music and references used throughout. …show more content…

Amy has to interview Aaron, and she stands in observing while he is performing surgery. She learns that he enjoys listening to “Uptown Girl” while he is doing surgery, and sort of makes fun of him for it. Then at the end of the movie, Amy is declaring her love for Aaron by doing a dance with the New York Knicks cheerleaders to “Uptown Girl,” because she knows that it is his favorite song. Another great song used that was definitely popular culture was “Do My Thang” by Miley Cyrus. I think this was a great use of music because not only did it perfectly describe Amy Schumer’s character, but, “Miley Cyrus was the top thing to happen in pop culture in 2013.” (Strauss, 2013) Her huge transformation from being a Disney star to being a very rebellious person was a shock for most people, and she seemed to be all that anyone was talking about for a very long

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