Trafalgar Population

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Rural Area: Australia’s rural and remote populations have poorer health than metropolitan areas. They have higher mortality rates and consequently lower life expectancy. They also experience higher hospitalisations rates for some causes of ill health. Rural areas do not always have the same opportunities for good health as those living in major cities such as access to goods and services, educational and employment opportunities and income. Australia’s Indigenous population continues to experience much poorer health than other Australians. Trafalgar has a population of 25 Indigenous People in town (Trafalgar Local Stats, 2015). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience around a five times greater vascular disease burden than other Australians. Trafalgar does not offer any Aboriginal services in town (although are in surrounding towns). No services may affect the Indigenous Australians health as they may not feel culturally safe at other health services, therefore avoiding health services that they may need. …show more content…

Trafalgar being in a rural area also can contribute to the severity of CVD as ambulance drives usually take longer to reach people in crisis instead of metropolitan areas. Risk-taking behaviors are also known to be more prevalent in the rural areas, with more rural people drinking at risky levels, be more likely to smoke and be more inclined to be overweight and unfit which can also contribute to CVD as these are all risk factors (Hunt, R, 2013). Rural areas may also experience worse cardiovascular health as there is unpredictable socioeconomic and ecological circumstances, ageing communities (as there is a migration of young people to cities for education and work) and deceasing public orgainisations (e.g. health services closures) (Smith,

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