Tourism: The Positive And Environmental Impact Of Sustainable Tourism?

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ITM 214 Sustainable Tourism Section 5261 Alina Sukliyan 1571005469 Assignment Title: The Impact of Tourism.

Tourism is one of the most significant source of economic outcome and

employment. However, tourism is a very complex industry which involves many

stakeholders (even with opposite interests) and requiring serious amount of

resources. Fundamentally, tourism may affect …show more content…

On the other hand,

uncontrolled tourism development can lead to very sad impacts.

There are three main impacts of tourism such as environmental impacts, socio-cultural

impacts and economic impact. I would like to write about environmental impacts. I know,

that a lot of people would think about environmental impact like about something boring. I

think that it’s interesting but what’s more important is that it’s play a very big role in our life.

It’s very important. It has the influence on our planet. Our planet gives us life and resources

but if to use them wrong and without analyzing and thinking about consequences. It can lead

to the disaster, locally and generally in the whole world.

So, let’s go through the environmental impacts.

The value of the environment, natural and man-made, is very important to tourism. It

involves many activities which can have a very bad environmental influence. A lot of these

impacts are attached to the construction of main infrastructures like roads and airports

and some tourism objects like resorts, hotels, restaurants, shops, golf courses and

marinas. But negative impacts of tourism development little by little can …show more content…

Tourists use the same trail over and over again trampling the vegetation and soil, causing

damage that can lead to loss of biodiversity at the end. Such damage can be even bigger when

visitors from time to time stray off set trails. Anchoring and other marine activities are physical

impacts in the sea life. In marine areas, for example, around coastal waters, reefs, beach and

shoreline, offshore waters, uplands and lagoons many tourist activities occur effect on fragile

ecosystems. Anchoring, snorkeling, sport fishing and scuba diving, yachting, and cruising are some

of the most favorite activities but they can cause direct degradation of marine ecosystems like

coral reefs, and following impacts on coastal protection and fisheries. Changes of

ecosystems by tourist activities. Environment can be destroyed by tourism leisure activities. For

example, wildlife viewing can bring some stress for the animals and when tourists come too close it

change their natural behavior. As long as safaris and wildlife watching activities are often

accompanied by the noise and commotion created by tourists as they chase wild animals in their

trucks and aircraft, they have a degrading effect on habitat. All that puts high pressure on

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