Three Phases Of The Baroque Era

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The baroque period from 1600 to 1750 was filled with “bizarre, flamboyant, and elaborately ornamented” creations (Kamien, 2015, p. 99). According to the New World Encyclopedia, “the original meaning of ‘baroque’ is ‘irregular pearl’ a strikingly fitting characterization of the architecture and design of this period; later, the name came to be applied also to its music” (2017). There were three phases of the baroque period, which consisted of the early period which was from 1600 to 1640. The middle period from 1640 to 1690, and the late period from 1690 to 1750. Composers of the late period consisted of Monteverdi, Purcell, and Vivaldi. Although, the Goliaths of this period where Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederic Handel. The …show more content…

J., standing for Jesu Juva (Jesus help), at the beginning of each of his sacred compositions and S. D. G. for Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone the glory) at the end” (2015, p. 131). Bach’s music was not very popular and was forgotten about, till after his death when another composer, Felix Mandelssohn “presented the St. Matthew Passion” (2015, p.131). This lead to his music becoming the go to for serious-minded musicians since then. Bach once stated, “the sole and end aim of figured-bass should be nothing else than God’s glory and the recreation of the mind” (New World Encyclopedia, …show more content…

140: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (Awake, a Voice Is Calling Us; 1731), was based on the parable of the ten virgins contained in the gospel of Matthew. Bach wrote this short cantata when he was employed by the Lutheran Church. Cantata’s were musical expressions that used chorales (2015, p. 134). Bach wrote about 295 cantatas during his time, and around 195 of them still exist. George Frederic Handel unlike Bach was very well known during his time until 1741, when he was classified as a failure, due to being bankrupt. The summer of the same year, he composed Messiah, which brought him back into the limelight. Messiah, is still to this day deemed by some to be the height of Christian faith. Handel had several different musical jobs throughout his career. He taught organ lessons, played the violin and harp at the opera house, and he formed a company to produce his own music. His company is what lead him into bankruptcy (2015, p.

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