Therapists Effective Helping People

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The topic I writing my I-search paper on is whether or not therapists are effective in helping people with issues or problems. The things I already know about therapists is what everyone knows about them. They help people with depression, anxiety, or people that are just going through a difficult time. They help people in a lot of different ways. They can prescribe a medication to take such as an antidepressant depending on the severity of the personal issue. They can also help people by listening and talking through what is affecting them emotionally. People don’t like to talk about their feelings or expose their emotions to others. Listening and helping them work through their feelings and emotions is usually a big relief for someone. …show more content…

But before I do that, I also need to inform you about depression because people often underestimate the seriousness of it and how badly it truly affects someone. When someone is suffering from depression, their head is filled with negative and often times, false thoughts. If it is a severe case of depression, the person often feels worthless and like they are not cared for by anyone. You can tell them you care about them and love them and will always be there for them but the amount of negative things that someone with depression puts into their head automatically trumps what you say. If you know someone with depression, you’ll notice that they lose interest in almost everything, and no longer want to do anything anymore. Depression isnt meant to be taken lightly, it isn’t a weakness, and it also isn’t something that you can just snap out of. Depression requires full attention and in most cases requires long term treatment. But its not something to beat yourself up about. Most people with depression feel better with medication, psychological counseling, or

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