Theories Of Crime Causation

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There are many beliefs and theories in the world that try to explain why many people commit crimes and why they do. The theories of crime causation go as far back as the mid -1700s. Based from Sociological School of criminology one of the many reasons of crime causation is because an individual’s socioeconomic conditions and social interactions.
There are many theories why a young individual will commit criminal acts, but many reasons they will or might commit crimes is economic status and family interaction. At risk factors that will influence juveniles to commit crimes at young age is the family environment they are raised and grown into. Young individuals that notice aggressive behavior in the household wills sometimes grow up to be a criminal because of the family interaction around them. Once they have learned or seen crime being engaged they soon are reinforced for crime and will later create a desire to commit crimes. From my belief less fortunate individuals that do not receive the best parenting skills are more likely to commit criminal acts because they don’t receive the social interactions they need to move forward in life. When a parent is not present to teach their young from right from wrong the kid will more likely not get the discipline that is needed. …show more content…

Many of those individuals in seek of the American Dream will feel as if they will never be in reach of it because they will not have the belief to reach it. When individuals feel they won’t have the ability to reach the dream they will more likely commit crimes. People will then more likely to break the law because they are less fortunate and not have the upbringing as the well-established. The poor are more than likely to commit crimes or steal from their own kind instead from the

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