The Wise Fourteenth Dalai Lama

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The wise fourteenth Dalai Lama once said, “...Human satisfaction must ultimately come from within oneself.” Life satisfaction is a fulfillment of one’s life expectations or wishes. It is important for one to be satisfied with their life so that they do not look back into their past and have regrets and disappointment because of missed opportunities. For most people, life satisfaction comes from enjoying everyday life and what they have made of themselves. When people are unsatisfied with their life, they often have regrets and wish they could turn back time and redo a certain moment or go back and take the risk they were too scared to take. A satisfying life often comes with the presence of happiness, adventures, and music. Happiness is a special one of the keys to life satisfaction. Being happy makes it easier to enjoy everyday life. Small things such as, a stranger smiling, or a child’s laughter will mean so much more. Smiles are known to be contagious; one person's happiness could brighten the day of another. Positivity and optimism are easy ways to bring happiness to yourself and others. One day, a friend of mine was walking the streets of New York City and smiled at a passing …show more content…

Each person can pick from millions of genres and express their true self. Some of the genres include pop, rap, hip-hop, christian, country, jazz, and classical. When listening, people can sing as loud as they want and dance as if no one is watching; they can be who they are or who they want to be. In middle school, I had a very quiet friend. She never really spoke out in crowds of people and she was very shy. One afternoon, she sang in front of me and it was like I was meeting her for the first time. She showed me a personality that was spontaneous, gifted, soulful, and soulful of life that I never expected from her. It was inspiring to know that music could have such an impact on someone that it would help them discover a new part of

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