The Water Droplet Short Story

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The Story About The Water Droplet

One cloudy, cold day in Casa Grande, Arizona there lived a young water droplet named Amphitrite. She and her friends Dasani and Aquafina knew this would be the day they took the Never Ending express. They had no idea what was in store.

Before Amphitrite could think the cloud started to move. Droplets fell from 6,500 ft in the air. Eventually it was Amphitrite and her friends turn.

Dasani recognized the place we were in. We were in California about to go through precipitation. Then soon after Aquafina said “This will really help California’s water problem.” What water problem?” Said Amphitrite.” “California's in a drought and the rain will help.” Then before they could think they fell and fell and fell. …show more content…

Amphitrite,Dasani, and Aquafina were being thrashed like a rag doll. Finally it calmed down to a slow drift.

It was days and days they were basically going around the world. before they got into a murky brown water. Then they saw a girl with a jug. They knew they were dirty. So they tried and tried to warn her, but it was too late. When she got some she drank it.

It got so scorching that she and her friends were lifted in the air. She thought she was hallucinating. But then Aquafina said “We are just evaporating.”

After they evaporated they said next stop condensation! They all wanted to find out the way they would be turned into condensation. So shortly they started to feel cold, then they knew they were being turned into condensation. Then Amphitrite said “Let's do it again!

Once again they we're going to be precipitated into the never ending express Known as the water cycle. Soon they done the water cycle so many times they might as well have traveled the whole ocean.

Before they knew it they went back to their home town Casa Grande, Arizona but when they got there Dasani said “There would be a lot more of being thrashed like a rag doll.” Amphitrite said “what?” Then Aquafina said “it's monsoon

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