Aaliyah Can Fly With Pixie Dust

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Aaliyah walked in her room and She had clothes all over her floor. Aaliyah jumped roughly on her bed and decided to read a book. She turned on her lamp and started to read her Peter pan book. Aaliyah opened her book and read “Chapter 3,how to fly with pixie dust, I wish I can fly with pixie dust” sighed Aaliyah. She turned off her lamp and she put her book away and went to bed. When Aaliyah was sleeping she heard knocking under her bed and someone saying psst, psst. Aaliyah looked under her bed and someone pulled her under. Aaliyah woke up she looked around there were a ocean, boats, pirates, forests, swords, and pixie dust Aaliyah knew she was in Neverland. Aaliyah felt someone poke her back so she looked up and saw Peter Pan. Aaliyah …show more content…

“Step 1 take some of this pixie dust and pour some on you not to much or too little” demonstrated Peter Pan. “Step 2 after you put the pixie dust on yourself jump in the air, you should be off the ground” said Peter. “Step 3 when you're in the air move your arms a little bit and push yourself forward then fly safely down to the ground”. “Ok, put some pixie dust on not to much or too little. Jump in the air and moves my arms a bit, yayyy I'm flying” said Aaliyah. SPLASH! Aaliyah fell right into the ocean. She was soaking wet, she had seaweed all over herself even in her hair. Aaliyah looked stressed “ Ugh I will never be able to learn how to fly” sighed Aaliyah. Aaliyah looked over she saw Peter laughing at her. “Hahaha you look ridiculous, haha” laughed Peter. He was laughing so hard he looked like it his head was going to EXPLODE!! Aaliyah’s forehead twitched, her teeth clenched, and her fists balled, she was

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