The Voice of the Stakeholders of East Memorial

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East Memorial is an elementary school consisting of grades K through fifth. The school is a part of Weld County School District Six (WCSD 6). The purpose of this paper is to identify how East Memorial Elementary School (EMES) and WCSD 6 seek to understands the voice of all stakeholders.

Methods Used to Solicit Input from Stakeholders

According to Baldrige, “The voice of the customer refers to your process for capturing student-and stakeholder-related information. Voice-of-the-customer processes are intended to be proactive and continuously innovative to capture stated, unstated, and anticipated student and stakeholder requirements, expectations, and desires” (2012, p. 13). Mr. Ungeheuer (U), EMES principal says, “Three methods used together input of stakeholders is the use of conducting satisfaction surveys. The next one is the use of committees, and the third one is Town Meeting that are done around the city” (personal communication October 28, 2011). Mr. U explains that the satisfaction surveys are done at the end of the school year for parents and at the being of the year for staff members. WCSD 6 uses the information to make improvements to all work process. WCSD 6 uses committees like District Strategic Planning and Accountability Committee (DSPAC) and the District Curriculum Council. These committees allow different stakeholders to have a voice in what is done inside the District. The committees determine requirements and process that will meet these requirements. Town Meetings are done throughout the school year at different locations of the city. The community members can come to give feedback to district representatives. The representatives go back to the district and share with the superintendent and board members (p...

... middle of paper ... successful. The district must understand the needs of every stakeholder and not just the students and parents.

Works Cited

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