The Vietnam War: The Causes Of The Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War was a horrific war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. There were many causes for the Vietnam War from both the North and South side. There were also many emotions during the war for United States citizens, Vietnam citizens and soldiers of the war for both Americans and Vietnamese. United States couldn’t help but get into the war. They had to intervene which brought tons of good and bad things to the United States. The Vietnam War wasn’t only affecting the North and South Vietnam it also affected the United States and the citizens of the war from both the United States and Vietnam.
There were many causes for the Vietnam War. It all started with a dispute between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Their dispute was over the …show more content…

In order to fight, they had to learn how to speak the Vietnamese language and they learned how to use the weapons that they were using (Friedel).The United States had to work hard in order to fight in Vietnam. The United States was in favor of South Vietnam (fallstrom).They wanted to help them beat the North (Friedel). The United States believed that Vietnam shouldn’t be a communist country. President Johnson was tired of the war and believed bombing North Vietnam would help end the war (locker). But indeed it didn’t end it. The war didn’t end up ending until two years after the United States left the war (fallstrom). At the end of the war there was about 58000 Americans that had died (fallstrom). Many soldiers came back with “physiological trauma” and had to go to therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Vietnam syndrome (freidman). The causes of the war led to very emotional times for not only the families and loved ones but by the soldiers who had to face the horrific war. All-in-all despite the horrible outcomes for the soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Vietnam syndrome, the United States helped South Vietnam and North Vietnam become unified into one …show more content…

The Vietnam War tore some families apart (Olson). Some families were getting divorced. Being gone for so long can be hard on families and soldiers. The War lasted up to at least 15 years with United States involved. Loved ones were gone and not being able to take care of their families and loved ones. The deployment of loved ones was hard to comp with some families (Logan). Children were sad to see their dad have to leave and not knowing if he will come back. During the war many terrifying images were being showed (Friedman). The images made families and loved ones worried and scared if their loved ones had died (Friedman). The families with soldiers that had lived had to deal with their loved ones having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Logan). Not only do the families have emotions during the war so do the soldiers. Soldiers who had lived were feeling guilt over them living and their friends dying (Friedman). Soldiers were wishing it was them that had died and not one of their brothers. Some soldiers had committed suicide years after war had ended because of the guilt they had felt for living. (Fallstrom). The soldiers didn’t only have emotions after war they had some during war. A war veteran had said “every time I pull the trigger, I was killing a little bit inside me. “ (Friedel).Even knows he wasn’t physically killing a little bit of himself, mentally he was.

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