Reasons for United States' Involvement in Vietnam

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Reasons for United States' Involvement in Vietnam

In this essay I will be writing about why America got involved in the

Vietnam War, between the 1950s to the 1960s. This was a steady and

slow process with many deaths all because of communism. It was very

costly and bloody. This essay will focus on political reasons,

military reasons and economy reasons.

Firstly the political reasons. The involvement in Vietnam started off

with the cold war, when Russia and America the emerging super powers

after WW2, two different styles of living had emerged the capitalists

(America) and the communist (Russia), both with two different beliefs.

The cold war was a war of words, America hated the fact more countries

was becoming communist, in Europe and Asia, they saw this as a "domino

theory" affect. Eisenhower thought if Vietnam fell to communism it

wouldn't be long until Cambodia would fall then Thailand then

Malaysia. Their desire to "contain" this new threat was so great that

they ended up in a bloody and costly war with Vietnam between the

1950s and 1960s. The history of Vietnam was that it was under French

control in the 1880s the French called Vietnam indo-china. In WW2 the

Japanese attacked Vietnam and gained control of it, after WW2 the

French come back to Vietnam in 1945 looking to control it once again

but find that the Vietminh have taken a large amount of the land who

are controlled by Ho Chi Minh who just wants Vietnam to be

independent. The French find them selves in a war with Vietnam. The

Americans then get involved by helping Ho Chi Minh as they felt sorry

for him but quickly change sides after finding he is a communist and


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Americans. Of course America needed weapons for the war so the weapons

manufacturers all over America were making tons of money, which did

the American economy, good. North Vietnam was being supplied with

money and weapons to. They were getting it from Russia and China who

were helping for the Communist aid. These were the economic factors of

why America was so involved in the Vietnam War.

I think the most important reason of all on why America got so

involved in the war was because of the cold war and the battle between

communisms. America were so scared of Russia and the communists they

wanted to prove a point and they found Vietnam the perfect place to

prove the point, that communism will not b allowed to spread Through

Vietnam they tried to prevent the "domino Theory" by "containment

methods in Vietnam.

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