The Urban Legend Of Cinderella And Snow White

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Happily ever after doesn't exist. Not in the real world. Perhaps Cinderella was saved by a handsome prince, and Snow White was awoken by a another's kiss, but that kind of stuff doesn't happen in reality. Loving others can only result in heartbreak and destruction. Some people swear they found their true love. Maybe they have. Then love's nemesis, life, comes along and shows them the truth of the matter. And don't even get me started on love at first sight. It's so perfect, until one's second love comes along. It's fate's way of saving the time and effort needed to find actual love. Love's such a fleeting thing, yet people cling onto it and hold on with all their might, but they might as well be trying to stop the sun from setting. …show more content…

When we were eight, we decided it would be fun to ride our bikes down the infamous Smith's Hill. According to neighborhood legend, Smith had ridden down the hill with no brakes after a dare. It had ended badly when he crashed into one of the many large rocks in the hill that made it so infamous. After breaking many bones and being rushed to the hospital, he succumbed to his injuries. His story and legacy were forever set in stone with the legend. At least, that's what we've been told. I don't believe a word of it, but Amethyst and Destiny don't think so. After voicing my opinion once and getting shut down, I just stay silent whenever the topic of Smith's Hill is brought up. Smith's Hill is infamous for it's legend, but the rocks and the trees that grow there add to the danger. Combine that with the steepness and our parent's continuous warnings never to ride our bikes there, and it's the place that's the frequented by boys feigning fearlessness and elementary school kids, having nervously sneaked past their parents' watchful eye. I never felt the urge that most children my age felt when told not to do something, but somehow ended up at the top of Smith's Hill alongside Amethyst and Destiny. I felt a sense of wrongness, and tried to convince them of

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