The United Nations Earth Charter: A Threat to Christianity

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The United Nations held an "Earth Summit" in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. The result of this international conference was a program labeled "Agenda 21." Agenda 21 is the blueprint for a "sustainable earth." The plan is to sustain the environment and the economy of the earth in the twenty-first century via international treaties, protocols and standards. Critics, however, view Agenda 21 (and its subsidiary initiatives, such as the Earth Charter) as a blueprint for global government.

In September 2002, the United Nations will assemble national leaders and delegates, various experts and sundry Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Johannesburg South Africa for the World Summit for Sustainable Development-- a 10 year review of progress made toward implementing Agenda 21. Several preparatory committee meetings have already been held to define the terms of the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD).

The purpose of the WSSD is to move the "global community" closer to an interlocked governmental control over the earth. The rationale offered to the nations for this global control is a possible environmental meltdown and the need to curtail the "hordes of people who pollute" the earth.

Each United Nations conference since the U.N.'s under-reported Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972, has been shaped by a political plan to achieve a "world community." This political impetus toward global hegemony in turn calls on a supposed crisis of population, environment, housing, women, children or poverty. Thus we had the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo Egypt, in 1994; the Conference on Women in Beijing, China in 1995; Habitat, Istanbul Turkey, 1996; the World Summit for Children scheduled for 2002.

In some manner each of these conferences advances global control over sovereign nations and their people. A "safe" environment is touted as a human right. Therefore, if human rights must be insured for all people, a global power must be empowered to allocate natural resources and to protect the environment of the entire earth. The U.N. forms new agencies to manage these initiatives, such as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The past two decades have seen the subtle, then militant insistence on a religious duty to revere the earth. Campaigns such as "Earth First!" or "Love you Mother (Earth)" led to the National Religious Partnership for the Environment.

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