The Toughest Decision of My Life

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The Toughest Decision of My Life

People are often asked the question, “If I could go back in time, what would I

change?” But have you ever really thought about the answer to that question? What

would you change or what would you keep the same? Accius, a character from Medea,

said, “Change rules all things.” (II 118) I never realized how true this would be. When I

look back in life, there are many things that I would change, but there is one decision that

I am very thankful that I made. That was the decision to continue living with my

grandparents and not to move in with my mother.

It was a normal afternoon after school when I returned to my house after a busy

day in sixth grade. My grandfather was busy preparing dinner in anticipation of my

grandmother coming home from work. Soon my real mom came by to “have a serious

discussion” about something. I had no idea that this “something” would be one of the

hardest decisions I would ever have to make in my life. My real mom had just gotten a

new apartment that had enough bedrooms that I could live there. It had never crossed my

mind that moving in with her was the question with which she was going to confront me.

Soon the topic came out when Mom said, “Sade, how would you like to come and live

with me from now on?” This remark was the beginning of one of the hardest times in my

life. I knew I had to make the right decision as Sophocles says, “Decide not rashly. The

decision made, can never be recalled.” (Oedipus Rex 314)

I was faced with the first choice of staying with my mother in her new home. Her

home was in a location outside the limits of my school zone so I would have to start

attending a different school...

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...that I

ever made. In the years that followed, my mom continued moving around and having off

and on jobs. I would have never had a stable home and would be who knows where by

now. I am now seventeen years old and don’t regret a single day spent in my

grandparents’ house. They have cared for me like no one else could and I am very

thankful for that. My mother and I have become closer than ever and we have a very

happy relationship with each other. As Thomas Adams said, “What we obtain cheaply

we esteem too lightly; it is dearness which gives everything its value.” (Sermons 14)

Works Cited

Adams, Thomas. Sermons. From the McMillan book of Quotes, Maxims, and Famous

Phrases, 1948.

Euripides, the Medea. Trans Philip Vellacott, London: Penguin Books, 1977.

Sophocles, Oedipus Rex. Logan, Iowa: The Perfection Form Company. NDP.

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