Afternoon Essays

  • Dog Day Afternoon

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the movie, Dog Day Afternoon, there were many things that the police and the FBI did wrong. It seemed as if there was no manual to guide the police officers and the FBI through the hostage situation. Sonny and Sal never really thought about what they would do if they were to get caught. One of the first mistakes that officer Moretti made was when he called the bank to let Sonny know he was in there. I think that there never would have been a hostage situation if officer Moretti would have let

  • Critiques of Ernest Hemingway's Novel, Death in the Afternoon

    1447 Words  | 3 Pages

    Critiques of Ernest Hemingway's Novel, Death in the Afternoon Ernest Hemingway's Death in the Afternoon shows a new side of Hemingway's writing which initially disappointed the critics. Published in 1932, Death in the Afternoon was not the expected fictional novel, but instead was more of a nonfiction description of bullfighting and Spanish culture in the 1920's and 1930's. In Curtis Patterson's words, "It is a tripartite work: bullfighting in Spain, plus semi-autobiographical details of

  • An Afternoon

    1114 Words  | 3 Pages

    The sky, mid-afternoon, a beautiful canvas graced with sky blues and pure milky whites. The blue in the depths beyond and the smooth, rounded, sugary sweet clouds in the foreground; February mornings were made to be like this. Stained white wooden porches, green plastic lawn and garden chairs and a yellow butterfly dancing above the steamy urban pavement with an invisible partner to a made up song. Sitting on the porch waiting for Michele, tall, southern, red haired and fiery, I have to do much

  • An Afternoon Walk

    1899 Words  | 4 Pages

    An afternoon walk There was a dirt alley not too far from our house. One afternoon, aunt Sung took brother Vinh and me for a walk in that alley. We had to walk by the Japanese soldiers who occupied the only villa and some of the houses in the neighborhood. The soldiers looked serious with stern faces, long rifles and swords. They talked but like they were yelling to each other. Two Japanese women in their colorful kimonos walked by them hastily into the villa. I didn’t know to whom that villa

  • Balthazar

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    Balthazar¡¯s Marvelous Afternoon ( Why didn¡¯t Balthazar receive the money?) ¡° Balthazar¡¯s Marvelous Afternoon ¡±, written by Gabrial Garcia Marquez, is a story about a birdcage and a poor carpenter, Balthazar. In the story, Balthazar made a beautiful birdcage that was commissioned by Pepe, the son of a rich man, Jose Montiel. However, when the carpenter took it to the boy, his father refused to pay and rather said to sell it other people. Although Balthazar got really angry, he gave the cage to

  • Humorous Wedding Roast to a Groom Who is a Sports Fan

    683 Words  | 2 Pages

    Humorous Wedding Speech to a Groom Who is a Sports Fan Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Rick and I'm Tim's oldest friend. I'm also a complete novice at public speaking and have this overwhelming urge to prove it to you today. I'd like to start off by saying that in marrying Rhonda this afternoon, Tim really has made the ultimate sacrifice. Not only has he given up his status as a single man, he has actually had to miss a pre-season game

  • Alcohol, Drinking, and Alcoholism - Confessions of a Teen Alcoholic

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    way directly to the liquor cabinet, in the hopes of discovering a tangible comfort to assuage the misery brought on by my scholarly defeat. A mostly filled bottle of bourbon sat in the foremost corner of the cabinet. I swallowed it all down that afternoon, and was left with an empty decanter - which I stowed away in the cellar, lest my parents know of this newfound pastime – and a somewhat intriguing sense of inebriation. Days, weeks, months passed, and I found myself indulging in alcohol much more

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude: Linear and Circular Time

    678 Words  | 2 Pages

    structure is found in the novel's opening line: "Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice" (Garcia Marquez 1). Two generations later, chapter eleven opens the same way: "Years later on his death bed, Aureliano Segundo would remember the rainy afternoon in June when he went into the bedroom to meet his first son" (186). These two sentences are grammatically parallel . They open with an adverbial

  • Compare And Contrast: George Babbitt Vs. The Hobbit

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    that George Babbitt is an anti-hero and Bilbo Baggins is a hero.      In the beginning both characters seem very much alike in the way that they are portrayed. Babbitt is shown as a well to do middle aged man enjoying an afternoon nap. He is also shown to be extremely

  • State championship

    2133 Words  | 5 Pages

    a coat. As quick as I am up, I am out (of) the door. I get in my car and make my way towards the hockey rink, for a team breakfast. The eight minute car ride to the rink, I am thinking of only one thing, to take home a state championship this afternoon. I walk into the rink and I see my teammates sitting in a circle not talking, just slowly eating their carefully planned out carbohydrate loaded breakfast. I sit in the circle and look around as they all give me reassuring looks. I say nothing

  • The Knife

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    It all started on a warm Saturday afternoon. My parents decided that we should go out on the boat that afternoon. So we changed into our swimsuits, got our beach towels, and finally piled into the van for the drive to the cabin. The cabin, where my grandparents live, is where we park our boat. Their house is about a mile from lock and dam fourteen on the Iowa side. My grandparents were away on a lustrous journey when we arrived. My dad went to fuel the boat, my mom loaded the boat with food for the

  • How to Process a Bank Deposit

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    deposit is far more complicated than it seems. The transaction begins with the next customer arriving at the teller window. In this instant, the success of the deposit relies solely on the customer's perception of the teller. Don't say "Good afternoon" in a monotone. Instead, attain direct eye contact, smile, and greet the customer. The greeting can be your own innovation. Any successful greeting is the product of emphasizing positive emotions, regardless of your current mood. If you openly show

  • Personal Narrative- My Near Drowning Experience

    624 Words  | 2 Pages

    Personal Narrative- My Near Drowning Experience Have you ever had a moment in time that seems like minutes or hours even though it was only a few seconds? Have you ever seen everything before you play out in slow motion, where you are aware of everything around you, yet not knowing what was going on? I have, and as I look back on it, I feel very blessed and protected. On March 21, 1987, I decided to take a little swim in our swimming pool and almost drowned. On that fateful day in March

  • Smart Kids Do Stupid Things

    1155 Words  | 3 Pages

    efforts, repeatedly made a fatal error my upbringing; she never learned that, despite her trust in me, any adolescent boy left idle and unsupervised for any length of time will eventually turn to no good. Such was the case on a particular August afternoon. August, for any grade-schooler, is without a doubt the most despicable of months. Even May, when pre-adolescents are being driven mad by the promise of summer lying so close but unattainable before them cannot compare to the sultry anticlimax

  • Essays on Death and Suicide - Death of My Father

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    when he lost consciousness, and drifted into the oncoming traffic. Unbeknownst to my mom and me, we went home and I went to my friend Land's house, who lived downstairs in the condo complex that we lived in at the time. We spent the entire afternoon together and surprisingly my mom didn't even call me up for dinner, so I stayed with them and we had a barbecue. I remember sitting on the bench eating a grilled Portobello mushroom, relaxing with Land and his parents, and thinking how great life

  • Philip Larkin’s The Whitsun Weddings

    894 Words  | 2 Pages

    I suppose I noticed it more in this poem because I was paying more attention to detail in order to comment on the poem. The speaker of this poem is on a train headed south to London for a long weekend, and begins his/her journey on a Saturday afternoon. It is a late spring or even early summer day, as it is seven weeks after Easter (fn. 1061). Initially, the content of the poem is rather simple, but the language and description are quite rich. Larkin appeals to four of the five senses and makes

  • Spanish Food

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    they are served throughout the day. No single food makes up a tapa; it can be seafood, vegetables, or meat. Tapas normally are eaten primarily at two times of the day. The first is at or around 1:00pm for an early-afternoon snack. Normally, tapas are served prior to a large afternoon ...

  • the beachcomber

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Beachcomber She dug her hand deep into the cool damp sand and closed her eyes. Squishing the moist grains with her fingers in the fury of the day reminded her of afternoons just laying in bed wrapped up in clean, white sheets, waiting for an answer. They gave her one of course, or else she would have never left that room, but she knew that something was left unsaid. Something was just terribly, terribly wrong, and although she couldn’t seem to put her finger on it back then, she knew. The

  • Meshes Of The Afternoon Analysis

    1195 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Meshes of the Afternoon by Maya Deren we are shown a love story between two people. In most love stories we see a couple go through the highs and lows of a relationship. We see how far the partners will go for each other and we see if they can make it through the lows in their relationship. Maya Deren depicts a relationship in a very unconventional way. The love story we see in Meshes of the Afternoon is much more than a couple coming together. Maya Deren shows us the cost of wanting to be and

  • Wedding Speech by a Childhood Friend of the Groom

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wedding Speech by a Childhood Friend of the Groom Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank Scott for his kind words. For once in my life, I find myself agreeing with him - they look stunning and did an excellent job today. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Jason. I’ve been Scott’s best friend for nearly 20 years. I’ve known him for a similar period. And all the time we’ve spent growing up together means that he’s had as much