The Three Wars: The First Punic War

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2.) The Punic War was split into three wars. The first Punic War was from 264 Before Christ to 241 Before Christ. This was the first struggle between the two cities in Sicily and sent the army to Sicily. The Carthaginians thought originally that Sicily was in their sphere but in actually. Sicily was in the sphere of Rome. Both side of the navy battle lost the battles in North Africa and Sicily. Roman navy fleet defeated the Carthaginian off the coast of Sicily in 242 Before Christ. Which the war came to a quick end to the war after defeated the Carthaginians. In 241 before Christ, Carthaginians gave up the rights to Sicily and had to pay an indemnity.
The second Punic War was from 218 Before Christ to 201 Before Christ. Roman and Carthage
Hadrian was the emperor that had many project to do. He made a wall to prevent the barbarian to cross over Britain to keep out Roman Britain. This wall, stretching from the North Sea to connecting to the Irish Sea (from the Tyne to the Solway) was about 73 modern miles long, approximately 8-10 feet wide, and 15 feet high. Hadrian become an emperor at the age of forty-one and tours his empire eleven times. They even named a city after him; Hadrianopolis (Adrianopolis) Hadrian wanted his army to successes the next battles by practices drills not trying to repeat the Second Roman- Jewish
Between Jesus disciple like John, Luke and Matthew were the one to spread the life lesson from Jesus. From what they mastered by the memories technique from what they were handed down from Jesus. Those memories were incorporate into the gospel or known as the good news. More of those lessons where made into the New testaments. Lastly, they recorded the final moments of the life of Jesus, special when he raised on seventh day in modern day is know we got Easter. They were so important their names are in the bibles. The existing of the Roman Empire. This empire was so huge which probably have a huge influence on the spread of that idea throughout the empire. A Christian was able to walk around the kingdom, and spreading to one person after another. The adaptation of Constantine, Constantine made a state religion which helps the spread the new religion even more. By making Christianity a state religion it is like a law. Everyone must follow and practice this

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