Carthage Essays

  • Carthage

    538 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everything has a beginning the earth does, the galaxy does, the universe has a beginning, and so does Carthage. Carthage was made by the Phoenician queen Elissa (a.k.a. Dido) in 813 BCE. It was made in what is now present day Tunisia, North Africa. Carthage was made by another Phoenician city-state known as Utica. Carthage was made for a trading stop and a port for Phoenicians to resupply their ships. That is how it all started out. Now that the new town was there they need to find out what to name

  • Hannibal of Carthage

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    Hannibal of Carthage Hannibal of Carthage: "The Father of Strategy" Through out history there have been many great military leaders, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Generals Washington, Grant and Charles Lewis Puller. The one however that sticks out the most is General Hannibal of Carthage. Often called the "Father of Strategy" his march over the Alps is one of the most famous attacks in military history. Hannibal beat the Roman Army time and time again before in suicide in 183 BC. Hannibal was

  • Hannibal Barca Of Carthage

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - This Latin proverb, meaning “I will either find a way, or make one”, and it has been attributed to Hannibal Barca of Carthage. Born into the vengeful wars between Rome and Carthage, it seems as though the direction of Hannibal Barca of Carthage’s life was predetermined by his father, Hamilcar Barca, and possibly by fate. Due to the world Hannibal was born into, his father and family members’ goals and successes, his fearless and aggressive nature, and his unique military

  • Comparing Carthage And Rome

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    Both, Carthage and Rome, were powerful and prospering states. But their success was different. According to Morey, Carthage “was originally a colony of Tyre, and had come to be the capital of a great commercial empire on the northern coast of Africa.” (Morey, 1901, para. 2). Rome and Carthage shared some traits, which I discuss in the following paragraphs. Discussion The first similarity was in the structure of the states’ governments. For example, the government of Carthage similarly to Roman government

  • Rome and Carthage: The Struggle for the Mediterranean

    982 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Carthage and Rome were the two dominant superpowers in their time. Rome was so emboldened by her early victories with the Etruscans, the Italians, and the Latins that she ventured to expand her empire towards the Mediterranean and encountered Carthage, wealthy and powerful nation in the northern shore of Africa. Rome waged a series of three wars with Carthage which history now termed as the Punic wars (Wikipedia, 2017). The struggle was for the control of the Mediterranean

  • Carthage And Rome Research Paper

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    Trace how Carthage became almost the equal of Rome. Be sure to show the strength of both and how this conflict led to Rome becoming a naval power. Title: Rome and Carthage Conflicts Introduction: Carthage and Rome, the two cities that evolve into great capitals. Both were very influential, and both are headstrong with their conquest. Here is my research on how Carthage became an equal to Rome. Main Body: Let us talk first about Carthage, in reference to Joshua J. Mark’s Definition “Carthage,” he says

  • Why Did Carthage Fight In Rome

    586 Words  | 2 Pages

    The carthage was a former colony of tyre and now the capital city of the northern coast of African, was found by queen Dido who was driven from tyre with some band fugitives, she brought much land from the prince of African and formed the city Carthage. The Carthage city almost became equal to Rome in the following ways, the Carthage power was based on the trade and commercial supremacy. She had control the trading of northern African alone with many of Greek cities of sicily. Carthage was a good

  • Carthage: A Steeped History in Legend and Grandeur

    739 Words  | 2 Pages

    Carthage, according to legend, was founded by the Phoenician Queen Dido in or around 813 BCE (Mark). The true origins of how the city came to exist is clouded by time and steeped in legend. It started out as a small port city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea across the Sea from Rome. The city of Carthage was a colony of Tyr (Morey, Ch. 14). Carthage began as a small trade stop for Phoenician traders to resupply and repair their ships. The first great injection of grandeur came in the form

  • Carthage vs. Rome; the Punic Wars

    2042 Words  | 5 Pages

    Carthage vs. Rome; the Punic Wars Over the course of one-hundred years the Mediterranean antiquity was rocked by an ancient cold war between the North African seafaring state of Carthage, and the newly rising city of Rome located on the Italian Peninsula. In the course of two major wars and one extended three year long siege of Carthage itself Rome would conquer its last major foe and turn the Mediterranean into a Roman lake. As what happens so often, history is written by the side who wins and

  • Carthage And Rome: The First Punic War

    557 Words  | 2 Pages

    Carthage and Rome were very similar in their desire to be in power. Where they differed was in their military skills. Carthage was a naval force, while Rome was an army force. Carthage used their wealth to increase their holdings in the area, Carthage had a strong naval force and due to their location on the coast they were successful merchants. Trading as far north as Tyre (modern day Lebanon) for dyes, Spain for gold, and England for tin. This ability to travel and trade made them very wealthy

  • How Did Hannibal Influence The Battle Of Carthage

    685 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hannibal of Carthage In his time Hannibal was a Carthaginian general revered for his prowess as a tactician and is still studied today. He learned to fight, outthink his enemies and garnered much of his animosity towards the Romans from his father Hamilcar Barca who fought against Rome in the First Punic War. After his father’s death, Hannibal succeeded him as general to the Carthaginian army at the age of 23. Hereafter he spent two years solidifying his position and gathering support before carrying

  • Why Did Carthage Become The Equal To Rome Research Paper

    942 Words  | 2 Pages

    How did Carthage become almost the equal to Rome? Introduction: The Roman Republic was an ancient territory known for its people, people that would fight for passion, unity, and for the prosperity of their country. Carthage, in historic times, was known for its great rulers, especially of the likes of Hannibal. Both of these countries had a mindset on expansion. Both were the worst of rivals. And during the time of the Punic Wars, Carthage was on the brink of becoming the equal to Rome. In fact

  • Cause And Effect Of The First Punic War

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Punic Wars were a prominent series of three conflicts lasting from 264 until 146 BC, centuries later. Fought between the ancient Empire of Carthage and the Roman Republic, these wars were once considered to be the deadliest to have ever occurred, up until the seventeenth century when the English Civil War took its place. The location was based mainly in the western Mediterranean Sea and Sicily, as well as the minority of North Africa and along Sardinia, where the three events would last for one-hundred

  • Strengths And Weaknesses Of The First Punic War

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    At the time that Carthage and Rome first battled each other in the first Punic War, they may have been seen as worthy adversaries. Each had strengths that threatened the other. Each came from a different culture while developing their empires in tandem. By the end of the first Punic War however, Rome managed to get the upper hand on the Carthaginians. In this essay I will discuss what may have led to Rome developing into the superior opponent when at the outset Carthage was the clearly the stronger

  • Punic Wars

    2422 Words  | 5 Pages

    three of these wars were between Carthage and Rome to conquer more power through trade and wealth. All of these conflicts were similar, but different at the same time. The first, second, and third Punic War all relate to one another in the same ways. They all consist of extravagant war strategies, highly intelligent military leaders, and they all were fought for the same reason, to gain power. The Punic Wars were the three conflicts remembered to be between Carthage and Rome. When the wars began,

  • Western Civilization

    1342 Words  | 3 Pages

    over the Mediterranean. Rome saw how large Carthage was getting and how much power it was gaining. This, along with the fact that Carthage controlled three islands off the coast of Italy, was an issue for Rome. Rome insisted that Carthage join the Republic, to which Carthage disagreed. The two groups fought for twenty years, ending the wars when Carthage offered Rome the island of Sicily in exchange for peace. Rome took Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. Carthage, lead by Hamilcar Barca, took off to fight

  • How Did Rome Succeed In The First Punic Wars?

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    Carthage is located on the coast of northern Africa, which gives them easy access to the Mediterranean Sea. They were a trade-dependent society and had the strongest navy in the region. Carthage was established between the ninth and sixth century BCE Phoenician colonization, prior to the foundation of the Roman Republic, and remained the most affluent of Phoenician satellites. Entering the third century BCE, Carthage controlled an empire equivalent in size

  • Analysis of the Three Punic Wars

    660 Words  | 2 Pages

    The first Punic war started like this...Tradition holds that Phoenician settlers from the Mediterranean port of Tyre founded the city-state of Carthage on the northern coast of Africa, around 814 B.C. By 265 B.C. Carthage was the wealthiest and most advanced city in the region, as well as its leading naval power. Though Carthage had clashed violently with several other powers in the region, its relations with Rome were historically friendly, and the cities had signed several treaties defining trading

  • Comparing Rome And Punic Wars

    588 Words  | 2 Pages

    have a clear picture of Carthage, Rome and the motivations of their great rivalry, we must establish that it was a struggle for power, economic, conquest and dominion over the near Italy cities and close to the Northern territories of Africa, where both sides deployed their best men and abilities for war until there was a winner and a loser after fighting the Punic wars which most relevant details and characteristics are explained below. Comparison between Rome and Carthage Roman history cannot be

  • Defensive Imperialism Essay

    2063 Words  | 5 Pages

    Rome 's action towards Carthage be described as defensive imperialism? Rome 's action towards Carthage throughout the Punic Wars cannot be considered defensive imperialism, due to the strong military culture, expansionist aims and profit based attitudes of Roman society. Rome demonstrated traditional imperialism by extending their power and influence through means of colonisation and military force. Rome 's objective in the Punic Wars was to strategically subordinate Carthage, to increase their level