The Decline of Honesty: A Societal Analysis

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One of the most treasured and cherished virtues any human beings can possess is honesty. William Damon is a professor of education at Stanford University, director of the Stanford Center on Adolescence, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. In his essay, “The Death of Honesty” which was published by the hoover institute at Harvard University in 2012, Williams explains how dishonesty has been accepted in the world of today. He discussed the increase in the “death of honest.” William Damon utilized logos to convince his targeted audience on the current state of honesty within one’s professional, religious, political, academic and personal links. This essay appeal to varieties of people among which includes young and old adults,
He uses many rhetorical devices and styles including logos, pathos, ethos, allusion to persuade his audience of university students and academic scholars regarding the necessity for honest. Damon mourns “death of honesty” in today’s school and society. When Damon hones in on education, he directed his remarks pointedly at teachers and college students cheating, Donald McCabe’s contemporary research, and investigative news reports on teachers who blatantly tolerate cheating in schools as a huge part of problems behind slipping morals. For example, when Damon is explaining about dishonesty in school systems, he uses a quote from an investigation stating “One-hundred-and-seventy- eight teachers, and the principles of half of the system’s schools, aided and abetted students who were cheating on their tests. “Damon continues to lament on the change as he writes that “most troubling of all is that honesty is no longer a priority in many of the settings where young people are educated. The future of every society depends upon the character development of its young. It is in the early years of life-the first two decades especially- when basic virtues that shape character are required.” This is true and fortunately, there is a reason to be hopeful because I know that many charter schools are taking the character and civic education very seriously. As human beings, we are imperfect, no matter how good we think we are. But we need to be a better role model to our younger generation and everyone around us by being honest no matter the

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