The Teacher's Role in Student Retention Rate

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The Teacher's Role in Student Retention Rate

In today's society a few teachers have turned their backs on their responsibilities, creating a harsh atmosphere in which a child can not cope with. These children then begin to assert signs of frustration, depression, and bent up anger. Later in life when these students reach their first and second year of college, they are lost through no fault of there own, and quit school usually after failing their first term. Some teachers, usually misinformed, create a stereotype that suggests the first and second year college students are unmotivated, difficult, and are not serious about their education.

While some teachers believe this, the facts to support their argument undocumented. While the drop out rate of first and second year college students is on the rise, of 2,654 colleges and universities surveyed nationwide, statistics state that one out of every four students will drop out of school by their second year. The dropout rate at two- and four-year public and private schools rose from 26.2 percent last year to 26.9 percent this year, according to a report released last week by American College Testing. Those dropouts, who were interviewed, eighteen percent stated students wanted professors, rather than teaching assistants, to teach the courses. Yet the dissatisfaction with instruction was strongly correlated with social isolation, and an unfriendly staff. Thirty-seven percent also stated finical reasons were a factor as can be seen on table one on page two.

These finding do have a positive side. Given sampling error, the true college population retention rate would be in the range from 67.4 to 78.6% (p *.05, 5.6% error). Eighty-six percent of people who enter into an U of C will eventually graduate. Only three out of every four students will accomplish this task within four years though. Also, the majority of those who do drop out return to finish there degree. Those teachers who believe that they are only watching their children, create a unwelcoming atmosphere.

First and second year college students are motivated, and serious about there work. The retention rate of those who do stay in school is high, and the fact that they stay is due to teachers with welcoming warm attitudes and don't resent their jobs. Teachers who meet this requirement find that their students are more attentive and welcoming to suggestion in which can help them in the life long journey in education.

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