The Study Of Criminology And The Criminal Justice System

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The study of criminology is a complex approach to the criminal justice system that uses preemptive theories as a means to decipher why criminals commit crimes. When law enforcement agents begin to think about criminal behavior in the perspective of the criminal they begin to surface the reasons why an individual would decide to break the law. The study of criminology focuses both root causes of the deviant behavior and the effects that crimes have on society (American Military University, last visited Apr 10, 2018). The primary focus points of criminology are the locations, times and frequency of crimes in relations to consequence and reactions these crimes have on an individual and society as a whole (What is Criminology?, Retrieved April …show more content…

This more modern approach to criminology places a focus on the sciences and the social services necessary to help prevent crimes from being committed in the future. The sciences are used as a means to rehabilitate while the social services are delivered to the community as a means to educate the population on why crimes are committed and how to actively engage the youth in a positive manner a preventative measure. The positivist approach took another turn in its development within the criminal justice system in the 1960’s by taking an inside look at a criminal and their behavior through the lens of the deviance theory, which is the broadening study of the social pressures and context that help explain why criminals behave in a deviant manner (Boundless Sociology, Retrieved April 28, 2018). In the 1970’s the approach of the positives, theory stayed the same, but the new crime on the street was drugs and the effects of these illegal substances were astronomical. This lead to a moral panic where society as a whole felt that their moral bubble was being overwhelmed pressured by criminal activity. In the 1980’s the positivist theory took another turn and …show more content…

Through his studies of society and economics, he created the Academia dei Pugni and the II Cafe, which were served as gathering locations for intellectual friends to gather and discuss the benefits of a society hen science and economics are applied. This revolutionary approach to developing a society by enriching the quality of life focused on quality and ethical reasoning. In this pamphlet, Beccaria defined two primary objectives that are a necessity to a balanced and strong criminal justice system. The first is that the penal law should never infringe on the nation. This is an example that the state is above the criminals and their power should only be used as a means to punch those that commit crimes against society. The second objective of Beccaria’s pamphlet is to ensure that there is always a balance between the crimes and the punishments within a society. According to Beccaria if the punishment is equal to stealing bread and murder then a criminal will not hesitate to commit the more severe of

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