Analysis Of Cesare Beccaria's 'On Crimes And Punishments'

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In the book On Crimes and Punishments; the author; Cesare Beccaria talks about the justice system and the changes that he believes will make society better for all the citizens. In many of Cesare Beccaria’s statements he argues that to lower crimes, all citizens should be treated equally to have society properly function. Despite the changes that Cesare Beccaria made on equality, there is still a lot of hard work to be done to attain equality worldwide even to this day. Beccaria believes that certain aspects of the law have to change so that everyone could be treated the same even if they are of a different class divisions as well as if they have been accused of a given crime. Beccaria address’ the issue of inequality by stating that ‘‘less …show more content…

Since the laws were written in Latin, it made it very hard for everyone of all class divisions to know their rights as well as to follow them. Beccaria believed it to be unfair as well as unequal that the laws were written in an uncommon language that most people couldn’t read. Beccaria states that; ‘‘this places them at the mercy of a handful of men, for they cannot judge for themselves the prospect of their own liberty or that of others’’ (12-13).This is unequal to the lower class seeing as they have done less schooling and don’t know Latin. This puts the people that are in the higher class to an advantage for they can manipulate the laws as well as even change them if someone of a lower class is accused of a crime. To further the inequality the higher class could get away with crimes and the poor class could get much harsher punishments that the law requires them to …show more content…

Linking this back to my previous statement, the accused needed to be trialed. The first problem that arises is the fact that the judges can rule how they please towards the accused. We all have times when we feel better than others and this can affect our reasoning as well as our attitude towards certain aspects of life. This statement also applies to the judges when they are in court. Naturally they are supposed to determine whether the accused is guilty of the crime that has happened and come up with a reasonable and suitable punishment but some judges let their personal affairs get in the way. While this might sound strictly unjust to the accused, the judge displays signs of inequality when he or she lets signs of weakness from the victim affect their final verdict. The judge is there to assign a verdict as well as give out the proper punishment that is associated with the crime that was committed. If the judge changes their decision based on their point of view as well as how they feel towards the accused this means that the judge is bias. This creates an inequality between the accused members because if different people have been accused of the same crime and get the same judge they might get different verdicts depending on what the judge thinks and feels about them. Beccaria states that ‘‘we see the same court

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