The Secret Of Happiness: The Key To Happiness

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As the sun set, over the horizon, a couple sat at the beach shore. The boy leaned over and embraced his mate, and whispered to her, “I love you”. Those three words, which would bring emotional sparks to a person. These three words have great meaning behind them and they bring so much happiness to a person. Today, everyone strives to find happiness. However, there are only a few who realized what true happiness is. Others look for happiness where there is wealth, they would spend half of their life trying to acquire it. But wealth cannot give the emotional needs and spiritual fulfillment needed in order to be happy. In today’s everyday life, people look for pleasure in drugs, alcohol and their sexual life, in order to fulfill the void of happiness. Instead of facing what true happiness is, they take pride and run away from it. One cannot differ pleasure from happiness, which is why people often get them confused. The material possessions that they chase after may help people to forget their worries for small period of time but not forever. Only a few know of the secret to happiness. The key to happiness is …show more content…

These chemicals are known as dopamine; it gives a sense of pleasure and satisfaction to a person’s wellbeing. Everyone’s desire is to be happy, to feel happiness and to maintain it thought out their life. The quest for happiness has been an ongoing phenomenon for centuries; everyone wants happiness and also wants it to last. In today’s society people are not happy. It is easier to find reasons to be unhappy, rather than happy. As Epictus stated in “the Handbook” translated by Helena Orozco, “some things are in our control, and some are not. Our opinions are within our control and our choices”. Happiness is one of those things that are in our control. We feel the way we think, this meaning that if we set our minds to liking an abject, we would like it, same for

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