The Responsibility In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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The responsibility Julius Caesar has took on was not an easy task. However, while he was Dictator, he have accomplished many things he never thought he would accomplish before. Starting off, Caesar was born in Subura, Rome around 100 BC.He began his education six years old. During his education, He was taught how to write letters and read. Caesar also learned how to speak powerfully in public and learned about Roman laws, which he noticed how it helped him later in the future, considering the fact that these were important skills Caesar would have to use as the leader of Rome. When he was only sixteen years old, his father died. Caesar then became responsible for his mother, Aurelia, and sister, Julia. It was almost as if he was the head for his family. He soon found himself between a struggle for power in the government. The dictator of Rome at that moment was Sulla. Unfortunately, Sulla was enemies with Caesar’s uncle and father in-law. In order to avoid Sulla, he decided to join the army. Caesar then thought it would be safe to return to Rome after Sulla’s death. When he arrived, Caesar tried his best to quickly rise the ranks in their government. He met two powerful men as well. The first one was called Pompey the Great and the second one was called Crassus. Julius …show more content…

Julius Caesar was a very effective governor. When he conquered all of Gaul, he was earn the honor and respect from the Roman army and soon was known to be as powerful as Pompey. In 49 BC, Caesar took control of Rome.. Since Caesar and Pompey became enemies over time, he spent his time fighting Pompey for about a year or two. After defeating Pompey, Caesar returned to Rome in 49 BC. Luckily,he was made dictator for life. He made lots of changes to Rome since he had all of that power in his hands. After putting all of his supporters inside of the Senate, Caesar built new temples and buildings in

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