The Reign Of Terror

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The French Revolution came to be due to the old regime of France which caused the people to push for a new government. During this revolution it would have an effect the way France and the French government, people and others work forever. Creating a New France. There was one major cause for the revolution, their government. Due to helping their american allies fighting for their own independence, France had their own problems. Due to a said fail harvest, the French people starved, the poor anyway, the rich were still well fed. It was also partly the king, which was starting to be questioned during the enlightenment era as it use be said “the king ruled by god’s will.” Evidence that would point to this being true is, “However, in the middle …show more content…

The Reign of Terror brought one invention, the guillotine, the machine that killed most people during the Reign of Terror. Before the Reign of Terror they took action by burning down castles and burning all records of working for the nobles. Then, they charged the Bastille, the deadliest French prison in the country, and let out all the prisoners. from their jail cells. They then created their own constitution, and government. Anyway, back to the Reign of Terror. During the point of 1789-1799 it was considered the Reign of Terror due to all the killing the revolution accomplished during that time. This point in history mainly killed people such as Royals, Officials, and Holy people. They even killed the revolution’s leader, Georges-Jacques Danton. They also killed the Queen of Austria, Marie Antoinette. “ Because dissidence was now classified as counterrevolutionary, moderate Montagnards such as Danton and extremists such as Jacques René Hébert, a leader of dechristianization, were guillotined early in 1794. The centralization of repression also brought innumerable victims before the Revolutionary Tribunal, whose work was expedited by the draconian Law of 22 Prairial (June 10)”(Sydenham, pg 3). This shows of the killings they did during the Reign of Terror, truly making it the bloodiest point

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