The Reflection Of Time Management And Leadership In College

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Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric and chemical engineer, once said that, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others” (Welch). This line of thought have been echoed by successful members of the Iowa State community including President Leath and the first lady. The President’s Leadership Class (PLC) takes 30 hand selected students and allow them to have a unique and personalized classroom experiences with their fellow peers lead by gifted advisors that have previously gone through the course. With just one semester, I was able to learn so much more about myself, as well as, about how to become successful in college. Specifically, the two subjects that I found most applicable was time management and leadership. Proper time management not only leads to a more successful college experience, but it can also juristically influence mental and physical health. Dr. Hill, Senior Vice President of Student Affairs, told students in PLC several reasons why time management is needed in order to have a …show more content…

President Leath is always constantly pushing the university toward progress. He does this by constantly raising the level of talent in the employees that he hires. Not only looking at experience, President Leath also looks at diversity in backgrounds and more importantly, who they hire. This all leads to multiple viewpoints and methods in presenting solutions to a difficult problems that might present itself. Surrounding yourself with really great people, empowering them, then letting them do their job is a great way to ensure strong workforce mentality. President Leath is putting into action what Director Pollard as well as Jack Welch states as being the capstone for a great leader. He is teaching others how to build themselves up to be better

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