The Pest Moment That Changed My Life

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Growing up I constantly used to sit and dream of what I wanted to be when I grew up. My mother always told me my future would be bright and to not settle for just anything. My mother also warned me that there would be many rejections but to never give up and to not let it destroy my character. As I grew up my dreams started to change. As a child I wanted to be a professional ballerina, dancing gracefully across the stage. As a youthful teen I then wanted to be a doctor, saving people's lives. Although my dreams changed one thing that never changed was what I did not want to be. My disinterest in working directly with pests and rodents, accessing infested locations and removing dead rodents after examination is why I could never be a Pest Control …show more content…

They will enter the facility first to determine treatment on how to eliminate the infestation due to the pest or rodents. They will often have to bend, kneel and crawl into tight spaces, to find pests that could be hiding from plain view. They then will use bates or set traps to kill the rodents. Sometimes they will also have to throw out furniture that could possibly be ruined because of the infestation. Once they have killed or trapped the rodents, they will then have to remove them from the facility. When I was child my family was poor. The house we stayed in had cockroaches and rodents. Although my mother made sure that our home was very clean, that did not the cockroaches or rats from entering. When I was five years old our home got worse with infestation. I developed a terrible rash on my body, I then developed a cough that would not clear up. I was taken to the hospital and was given a skin test, later to find out Iwas allergic to cockroaches. I was given medicine and was told to keep away from the cockroaches. My family and I had to move in with my grandmother for two years until my mother could afford a better home to stay in. Ever since then I have been terrified of pests and

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