The People Should Have The Government Power Essay

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The People Should Have the Ultimate Power Within the U.S. Government
The State and National government derive their power from the consent of the people. This ensures that the people have control over their own government through social, economic, and political aspects. “‘The power surrendered by the people’ would be ‘divided between two distinct governments,’ creating a balance of power that would enable the ‘different governments [to] control each other.’” The public is the catalyst of the legislature because it elects representatives who reflect the public opinion. This is evident through the South’s attempt to secede from the Union ‘the people of Georgia’ separated themselves from the national government. Their view began state legislature …show more content…

However, he also comments on how close to perfection the system of men ruling over men has come even though it represents error, prejudice, and selfishness, it still represents the joint wisdom of the governed. Thus, people should have the most power and authority when they are more unified and not divided into splintering factions, which pin the country’s own citizens against one another. Ultimately, the people should retain the most power in order to organize a government that requires consent and reflects the socioeconomic and political views of the people. When those who are the governed are the same as those who are within the government the people are the majority. In a country where majority rule is respected with regards to minority rights, the people are the only group that can properly represent the country. The government should derive its power from the people who create separate levels of government that govern one another in order to provide for the public good. Within the definition of political issues, people disagree about a problem and how to fix it and because of this the government responds with public policies. The creation of public policies is the basic function of government the people’s views are emphasized the most when dealing with political issues and political policies. The National and State government both prove themselves that the people should have the power because they institute the government, they consent to the government, they give power to the government, they change the representatives in government and their lives are the most directly affected by the decisions the governing power

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