The Paleo Diet

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People in modern times tend to consume more oily, fattening, and overly processed foods compared to whole, natural, “organic” products. Not only are people eating more overly processed foods, but they are left dealing with the consequences that come with it. Obesity and diabetes are just the beginning of health problems that can be caused by poor diet.
Until 10,000 years ago, all humans got their food by hunting, gathering, and fishing. Cordain, a professor at Colorado State University, states, “Nature determined what our bodies needed thousands of years before civilization developed, before people started farming and raising domesticated livestock….paleo is the one and only diet that ideally fits our genetic makeup,” Since the beginning of mankind, the human race has relied on feeding the human body in order to stay alive. Over time, we as a society have forgotten how to properly feed and nurture our bodies. The paleo diet consists of strictly consuming meat from grass-fed animals, fish, fresh fruit, raw vegetables, whole eggs, nuts, and seeds. Corresponding with that, plant-based oils such as olive, walnut, flaxseed, avocado and coconut can be consumed due to the product fitting into the …show more content…

The body modified itself to live in a world where food was hunted, fished and/or gathered from the environment in its natural state. The body is still designed to eat whole, natural foods, not overly processed, “fake” foods. These foods tend to be high in vitamins, minerals, and/or fiber, tend to be filling, and tend to not spike blood sugar. The paleo diet has been around centuries and most likely will be for more to come. A diet based on eating natural elements that have come from mother nature. By eating whole, natural foods, the body can processes things a lot smoother and function more efficiently. The body digests cleaner, simpler foods better compared to oily, overly processed

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