The Number Seven In The Bible

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There are several references made using the number seven all throughout the Bible. Even though it is used everywhere, it’s mostly seen within the book of Revelation. This is a very important number, because it represents fullness or completion. Since the book of Revelation was experienced and recorded by John, it can be understood that it revolves around the completion and fulfillment of the end of the world. This would be a good reason that seven was incorporated more in this book that all the others combined. The number seven is one of perfection. If one is to stop and think about it, there are many things that seven is used for. It was used in creation, with God creating everything on earth in six days and resting on the seventh. …show more content…

For example: There are seven churches, seven spirits, seven golden lampstands, seven stars, seven lamps, seven seals, seven horns, seven eyes, seven angels, seven trumpets, seven thunders, seven thousand, seven heads, seven crowns, seven bowls, seven mountains and seven kings. There are also many other groups that contain seven; they must be counted up to recognize them. This can’t be accidental, it must be how it was planned out from the very beginning. There are even deeper understandings of the use of the number seven. For instance, the Bible is written in such a way that verses can be explored and broken down into different things. Such as, how many verses start with a vowel, or how many words are in a certain amount of verses. God’s fingerprint on humankind are in multiples of seven. The number seven was used elsewhere in the Bible also. The story of Noah’s Ark gives us a significant showing with seven pairs of clean animals on the ark. Isaiah gives us the seven qualities of the Messiah. Proverbs shows us seven things the Lord hates. Matthew 13 lists seven parables. In Matthew 23 there are seven woes listed. There is a prophecy in Daniel that talks about the seventy weeks. Jeremiah predicted that the Babylonian Captivity would last seventy years. In Leviticus, the Year of Jubilee was to begin every forty-ninth year, which is seven times

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