The Negative Effects Of Bullying In Today's Society

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Bullying is something no one should go through, no one should go through the pain and suffering of feeling like nothing because of an individual. Bullying is the worst situations to deal with in your life. Bullying has been around for many years, but I feel in today’s society it is a bigger problem than we think.
Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. Approximately 160,000 teens skip class every day because of bullying. Bullying has been around since the beginning of time, but in today’s society it has gotten a lot worse. As technology increases bullying goes along with it. With the power of cell phones, tablets, computers, and any social media website like Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, you can always expect to hear and see of someone who is a victim of bullying. Did you know that the average 13 year old checks social media, and text messages at least a hundred times a day? Bullying has had and still has a negative impact on the victim and on society today. (
There are many different types of bullying today. There is physical, verbal, emotional, …show more content…

Cyber bullying takes place when using an electronic device. It could be a computer, cell phone, tablet, as well as communication tools, like social media sites, test messages, chat, and other websites. If someone has sent you mean text messages, or emails. Have made rumors about you over social media, or any other networking site, or has even have put embarrassing pictures of you on the web, along with videos, or even has made a fake profile with your picture on it, you have experienced cyber bullying. Cyber bulling can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cyber bullying is different from regular bullying because you’re behind some sort of screen, and not face to face with the person. Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to skip school, have lower self-esteem, use alcohol or drugs, have health problems, or worse,

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