Bullying and Physical Abuse

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Many students enter school with the hopes of become our next president, a doctor, a lawyer, teacher or nurse. Although this is their goal, many students are not able to reach their full potential due to an ongoing issue that many students face in school. It is an issue that affects millions each year around the world. This issue not only affects children but also adults. This issue is bullying. Bullying can take many forms: physical abuse, verbal abuse, and/or cyber bullying. Physical abuse in bullying is pushing, hitting, slapping, pinching, kicking, biting, and hair pulling. Physical abuse can also involve the use of objects or any other action that cause bodily harm to another (childline.org). Verbal abuse involves teasing and socially exclusion. This form of bullying can be as harmful as physical bullying because of the words and situations that my last in the person’s mind over time. The goal in verbal abuse is to make someone feel less then the bullier(bullystatistics.org). Cyber bullying is bullying done with the use of electronic technology. Bullies use computers, phones, I-PADs, tables to bully individuals in chats, text messages, emails, Facebook, twitter and other places where people talk. This form of bullying can be very deadly as it can happen 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Because information can be spread fast, pictures and information about a person can be sent to millions all with a click of the button. (stopbullying.gov). These bullies can be people that a person knows such as parent, relative, friends, and others who may not even know the person (childline.org). Bullying, in its many forms, affects a person’s social, academic, health and emotional welfare.
First, bullying affects a person socially...

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...o are bullied have low self-esteem and suffer from depression. Some have heart attacks or strokes. Many have lost weight because they do not eat. Some lack the proper amount of sleep from nightmares. Some ended up using drugs or getting involve risky sexual behavior. Some have gain weight and have weight problems as a result of constant stress. Some have even committed suicide as result of years of being picked on. Some people suffer because of lack of community help because the person being bullied is gay and feel that the community is against them and will not help. One of the sadness parts of bullying is that bulliers also lash back and kill others. It has been report that 12 out o15 shoots in the 1990’s have resulted from a person being bullied. Those who are bullied also tend to abuse others such as those who are in a relationship with them (stopbullying.gov).

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