The Navy Changed My Life

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I view my life in a set of stages, and my years after highschool are my final chance to finish the foundation I build my life on. I will admit my flaws and lack of experience as of now, but the armed forces, I know, will be their remedies. It is apparent that the military creates unparalleled discipline. What I experienced is that great goals, great challenges, and great failure creates great courage, discipline, and results. But it can only be achieved with the will to continue. All adversity, trials, and opportunities in my life, I can say with confidence, that I gave my best, regardless of outcome. I seek this final endeavor in the United States Navy as an officer. I know and hope for it to not be an easy task, with leadership, responsibility, and commitment. What I do hope for is to push me beyond my limits, to find my breaking point, and push even further. …show more content…

Leadership places me in a unique position that gives me motivation because it give me the chance to make a result greater than me. My experience leading the building of a robot in high school required me to understand and evaluate all the skills of the members of the team. I had the chance to help each one find a task that matched them. The final result was what I was passionate to build, but could never do myself. Having dedicated and loyal teammates gave me the will to put my time towards them to entrust them to carry out my grand plan. I hope to find this in the military, dedicated, loyal, and hardworking followers. I know as in the robotics club too, that a natural leadership will not derive from just a position, but me proving my reputability, which will push me to work harder as it did

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