Leadership And Leadership Beliefs: Questions On Leadership

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Answer the following questions about leadership. By reflecting on these questions, you will find what assumptions are driving your leadership thinking.

1. Write down two stories of leadership. One story should describe a positive experience you’ve had with leadership and the second story should describe a time when you had a negative experience with leadership.

Positive leadership comes from strong enthusiasm, the strong ability for adaptation, patience, and practice. Trish and Aimee of MoLab Inc. Tallahassee summer camp are some of the best leasers I have come across. They were the driving force behind MOAS’ museum summer camp during the years I attended as a student, and later as a volunteer junior camper assistant. It was not until …show more content…

By reflecting on these questions, you will find what beliefs you hold about leadership.

1. Can people who have caused others harm be leaders, e.g. Adolph Hitler?

People who have, or will, cause harm to others can absolutely be leaders, and good ones at that. You do not have to be a good person or have morals to successfully lead. Strong communications skills, a large group who is willing to listen and help a movement and “success”, as defined by competition of goals, is not confined to morality. However, others will often not follow suit with those who are exceptionally violent or immoral. People generally want leaders with good values, but there are exceptions.

2. Should leaders have certain qualities to be able to lead?

Although there are qualities that often create successful leaders, there are not any qualities that one must have in order to be a leader. In other words, there is no criteria list that is needed.

3. Who decides who …show more content…

If the company owner of a food produce store says that they are going to create 2,000 jobs in the next year and only creates 10 he or she loses credibility. However, if they follow through and reach or surpass that number, they gain credibility. It takes time, but it is an effective way to gain legitimacy as a leader and have others listen and trust what that leader has to say.

5. In general, is there something good about leadership?

Yes, leadership is a strong push on world progression and is, for the most part (obviously not Hitler), a very good thing for the world and humans overall.

6. What do you think is the purpose for leadership?

I think many things, like large companies, effective government change, cannot happen easily or at all without leadership. Therefore, the purpose of leadership is to make more happen collectively as a whole rather than try to complete everything individually.

7. Is leadership behavior developed through personal experiences or through external forces?

Leadership is almost entirely gained through experience. Although many personalities are more suitable for leadership or less, like being good at time management (as good) or very quiet (as bad), there is almost nothing in a persons behavior as a leader that comes from external forces

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