The Myers-Briggs Personality Types

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INFJs are the least common amongst the Myers-Briggs personality types. Because of this and their multifaceted nature, they are often the most misunderstood. As an INFJ, I intend to clarify some of the more complex aspects of this personality, specifically in the business environment. Through self-awareness, personality tests and various other research; I have found that INFJ’s struggle with certain behavioral paradoxes. One example of this is the strong aversion to large groups of people while portraying a seemingly outgoing, but caring interest in someone’s life. This report provides a brief insight into the INFJ worldview, as well as some new revelations about how to be a better employee through acceptance and conversationVery good
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It is truly my intention to help people, even when it seems as though I am holding them to the same unreasonably high standards that I set for myself. “INFJ women are respected for their intellectual acumen and are seen as generally soft, gentle, and caring at work” (Kroeger, 2002). As an INFJ, I have a nurturing disposition and truly care about the success and feelings of others. A weakness of this personality type, however is the tendency to over personalize situations that may have nothing to do with me, effectively turning a small misstep into a platform for fairness and equality. "Good introductory …show more content…

When these opinions about individuals or situations are felt strongly, especially when I feel they do not live up to high standards in regards to work ethics or fair treatment of others, I struggle between doing what I feel is just and the potential for conflict, which I prefer to avoid unless necessary. Therefore, I must choose my battles carefully and confide my frustrations to a select few that can then support me should the need arise. Though it is difficult to explain to others that I do not do this to help myself, but instead I wish to have multiple points of view to assess justice to everyone as a whole. Because our personal behavior in organizations has eternal consequences, I work to ensure that fairness is a standard that is upheld (Fischer, 2009). On occasion however, INFJs have been known to overreact to simple disputes and often take their crusades for good to an extreme (Kroeger, 2002). aGood use of a

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