The Importance of Web Design

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I recently came across an article that discussed how customers placed more importance on certain parts of a company’s web page than others. It was also revealed that people are increasingly placing focus upon the actual look of website and the layout used. The aesthetics of a page, along with the loading times and content features, are more important now as they ever have been.

If your customers believe you have a good looking website they will usually be more willing to delve deeper and look more closely at the content. It means that more eyes will be on the services you’re offering people. Remember, in business first impressions are everything, even in the online world.

Sub-par looking websites can create a whole host of problems for a business; including customers not giving the content you have on there the attention it warrants. In some instances people may even close your webpage without even giving it a second glace, this is especially true for those dealing in ecommerce. I have even been witness to individuals closing a page because they simply “didn’t like” what they saw, not even exploring the page to see if the sites appearance improves.

Web design should always be a high priority should you wish to present a visually pleasing and professional image, so don’t take the appearance of your website lightly.

To Blog, or Not to Blog?

Blogging may not be new, but in recent years it has certainly entered a boom period, as more and more people choose it as their chosen form of reading material. In fact many are now using blogs as a way to garner opinions on products and whether or not they should buy them. It doesn’t matter what products or services you are selling, you should have an onsite blog that is both relevant and u...

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...ckly. On top of this you should always prioritise content, making sure that it is of high quality and of value to readers, this will lead to readers linking to the blog via other websites. Targeting those within the same niche will heighten the chances of backlinks being created, with Google placing higher value upon websites that have been linked on similar websites in the field. Simply put, targeted marketing with regards to your blog will help increase potential customers reaching your website.

It may seem more cost effective to opt for a free blog such as one from WordPress or Blogspot, however using those can nullify how visible your blog actually is. Whenever possible use a web address that is more SEO friendly and try to host the blog on your actual website. Doing so gives an image of increased authority and can offer increased benefits when it comes to SEO.

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