The Importance of Palliative Care for the Dying Patient

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Comfort measures are crucial for the dying patient and their loved ones. Comfort measures, not only, include pain management but also massage, music, position changes, and heat, which are all just as important. Palliative care is an extremely important aspect of nursing. Palliative care “focuses more broadly on improving life and providing comfort to people of all ages with serious, chronic, and life-threatening illnesses” ( The ultimate goal of comfort measures and palliative care is to ensure that the patient has a more relaxed and peaceful death (End of Life care: An Ethical Overview, 16). Other important aspects of palliative care consists of hygiene measures, which includes keeping the patient dry and clean, offering food and fluids often, and keeping the patient, along with the family, as comfortable as possible. Some try to argue that drugs, like Morphine, should not be given to the dying because it speeds up the dying process, but I believe that their death is inevitable and it is best to make the patient as comfortable as possible. For many families, the thought of losing their family member is too much to handle but with pain management, at least, the patient gets to die a relatively pain-free death. This can be comforting for the family. Although, there are pain medications that can suppress the respiratory and cardiovascular system, the patient, typically, has a much more peaceful death, as opposed to not having any sort of drug.

Palliative care “focuses more broadly on improving life and providing comfort to people of all ages with serious, chronic, and life-threatening illnesses” ( Palliative care is not the same as hospice, since it is not only for the dying. According ...

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... that the nurse or family can do. The goal for palliative care is to make the patient’s passing as comfortable and relaxing, as possible. Medication management should be provided for every patient that is having pain to allow for a more comforting, pain-free, and peaceful death.

Works Cited

Aranella, Cheryl, MD., M.P.H. Use of Opiates to Manage Pain in the Seriously and Terminally Ill Patient. American Hospice Foundation, 2006. Web. 7 November 2011.

Center for Bioethics: University of Minnesota. End of Life Care: An Ethical Overview. 2005. PDF.

Kam, Katherine. What is Palliative Care?. WebMD, 24 January 2011. Web. 7 November 2011.

McGhee, James, and Kathleen Ouimet Perrin. Ethics and Conflict. Massachusets: Jones and Bartlett, 2008. Print.

World Health Organization. Nursing Care of the Sick: A Guide for Nurses Working in Small Rural Hospitals. WHO. Print.

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