The Importance of Correct Management and Communicating

1460 Words3 Pages

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Significance of communication

3. Working in an organisation

4. Communicating with stakeholders

5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In this report I will talk about the significance of communication, about the benefits of working in an organisation, the importance of effective communication between management and stakeholders. How communication make an organisation or a project to attain goals, to be famous, about the impact of the stakeholders in an organisation and how they influence the development of a project.

2. Significance of communication

Communication plays an important role in establishing relationships. If you communicate, you can share your aspirations, interests and concerns to organise your life, to make decision and the most important aspect, help you to be in contact with others, to give and receive advices, to share your emotions, feelings and very important is that you can make friends. Effective communication is important in the workplace because you can create a friendly atmosphere. It helps increasing the production and yield which lead to the success of the business. Some things that prevent effective communication are: irony, hearsay, and bad temper. Effective communication can be described as communication that is significant and successful at creating good relations between people.

3. Working in an organisation

If you work in an organisation you have a lot of advantages. Teamwork involves different people and different groups across your business working together to develop their competence to reach a common goal.

Teamwork encourages employees to take a big responsibility for making decision and also allows team members...

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...1st century 3rd Edition, pages 1- 14

Smith, B., Summers, J. - Communication Skills Handbook 3rd Edition, Oral presentation

Nicky Stanton, Mastering Communication, pages 12- 17

Diana Woodburn and Malcolm McDonald, Key account management, the definitive guide, Third edition

Paul Hopkin, Fundamentals of risk management, Second edition page. 128-132 13 December 11:00 13 Decembre 21:43

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