The Importance Of Surgency And Agreeableness

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True self-awareness and true acceptance are key essentials to effective leadership and effective development. True self-awareness is the clear understanding of one’s personality and how he or she is perceived by others. True acceptance is not only understanding our core personality but embracing it from our shadows, strengths and our low precursors. To my surprise, I was having a difficult time in this early stage of leadership development.
Effective Leadership course was centered on the framework for more effective leadership. The first step in the framework was to understand and accept one’s core personality profile which was based off of the modified big 5 personality model. Let me begin with the “Super 2”key traits which are Surgency and Agreeableness. These two traits are opposites on a continuum at the core personality level. Each individual fits in one of the other traits based on their level of common strengths and common shadows. A person with a Surgency personality is one who flourishes in a task oriented environment. One who is a Surgent has a take-charge attitude and is competitive while unintentionally possessing shadows of overbearing, insensitive or abrasive, with a Win-Lose mentality and a dislike of collaboration. On the opposite end of the continuum, there is an agreeable who excels in a …show more content…

It took time but a conversation that I had with Professor Vroom that stood out to me was when he told me “Why are you denying the Michelle Obama in you and the Mother Teresa?” He further explained that most females are not told or brought up to have a take charge attitude but if it’s my core personality, I should embrace it and fully accept who I am. It was then, where I stopped being in denial of my failures, tendencies, biases and my core personality. I knew knowing who I am at my core can only help me leverage my strengths and begin the process of improving on my short

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