The Importance Of Sex-Segregation And Inequality Between Men And Women?

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bad, and that white lady listen to her. Willie Mae say she been there thirty-seven years and it’s the first time they ever sat at the same table together” (Stockett, 504).
A very interesting and important study shows that by writing “Help” Aibileen and Skeeter contributed to something much bigger that they could have imagined and the future would benefit greatly for both black and white women, overall for the greater good. In their study, Kevin Stainback and Soyoung Kwon wanted to determine if women in the workforce could make a difference regarding sex-segregation and inequality between men and women. They were able to come to a conclusion to their study by using the 2005 Korean Workplace Panel Survey which is a collection of establishment samples in the Republic of Korea. Their study concluded that the rate of sex segregation decreased in organizations where a higher number of females had manager positions rather than supervisory positions. Therefore it was concluded that women can be important “agents of change” for the improvement of sex-segregation in the workplace.
Not only did “Help” influence the thoughts of society in regards to racial segregation but it also created an opportunity for Skeeter and Aibileen to challenge sex segregation or the norm that said women are homemakers and men work. “My eye’s drift down to HELP WANTED: MALE” (Stockett, 69). During the 1960s women such as Skeeter, who were not yet married with children by the age of 23 were seen as social outcasts. Few women worked because their job in society was to be home, caring for the family. Being a social outcast didn’t bother Skeeter and writing “Help” allowed her to get a job at Harper & Row Publishing in New York which during that time, most ...

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... constant struggle of oppression that human beings have faced throughout history and continue to face. These books are a testimony to the strength of those caught in the struggle and how good change and growth can evolve out of the bad. Struggle is a part of life and through it people can become stronger and learn more about themselves and the world. Power struggles offer opportunity for the oppressors to escape societies hold on them and to become truly aware of the suffering of those who they oppress, it offers the oppressed the opportunity to rise up and it offers society a chance to reform itself and its people. Events of oppression and the inevitable uprising of the underdog offer the perfect opportunity for important change to occur for the greater good of all.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke

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