Addressing Asian Academic Achievement Devaluation

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I’m writing to express my concerns about one of the biggest unaddressed social issues in our community today: the devaluation and marginalization of the academic accomplishments of the Asian members of our community. In a highly competitive community such as ours, with extraordinary students in every field, it is easy for one to feel inadequate. To combat this feeling of inadequacy, people tend to diminish the accomplishments of their peers, using excuses to justify why they accomplished where others failed. The most prevalent example of this that I have observed is the idea, “Oh, she got a 100 on the test. Well, she’s supposed to, she’s Asian.” We, myself included, can sometimes be hypercritical of our classmates in order to make ourselves feel better about our own deficiencies. I have witnessed this poisonous mindset be applied to everything from getting good grades, to getting leadership positions. What many …show more content…

From the head scientist in Jurassic World, Dr. Henry Wu, to the astrophysicist in The Big Bang Theory, Rajesh Koothrappali, Asians in Hollywood are nearly always portrayed as the one-dimensional scientists or doctors who stay in the background. This is tantamount to having all black people in Hollywood always playing basketball, but because the model minority stereotype seems to be less offensive than than the basketball stereotype, no one addresses it. Now I acknowledge that we do have a lot of academically exceptional students here, and being perceived as smart isn’t the worst kind of stereotype for a group of people to have, but it is still a stereotype nonetheless. I am not Asian, so I don’t really know how the group in question feels about this issue, but it feels wrong to me. We shouldn’t only celebrate the black, white and hispanic students for their academic accomplishments because there are a lot of exceptional Asian

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