The Importance Of Sex

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The word sex conjures many images in the eyes of the public. Many imagine a couple in the midst of a deadlock passion succumbing to their primal urges to satisfy their every carnal desire. Others may see it as simply the act of reproduction in which to create life and is a natural part of the circle of life. The reality is, even though sex is a natural part of life and relationships today; in the United States human sexuality is one of the topics that make a great number of people uncomfortable, even though it should not. Sex and relationships are some things that we should not be afraid of, but rather embrace them both as a part of our culture. Plato’s symposium tells the story of how we came to be in our genders. In the myth men, women, and hermaphrodites were a part of one being, and they all had the genitals of their perspective gender. However, due to the being’s arrogance, Zeus punished them and split the beings apart; the being’s parts did not want to be separated, so they sought to find the half that was with them when they split because they were in such deep lust and love with their companion. The feeling of both lust and longing to be with one another is an idea that has long been around since our time. It is only natural for one person to want to go through life with a companion and not go alone. The desire for a passionate companion is love and the idea of wanting that relationship is not unwanted and will continue throughout time. From a biological perspective, we seek sexual activity to create children and bring in the next generation into the world. This may cause couples to stray and cheat on their significant other. Both genders have reasons to be unfaithful in their relationships and marriages. As men, we a... ... middle of paper ... ...their partner wants in the relationship or whether or not if they are even happy in the relationship. Communication is a vital skill that goes beyond romantic relationships and is an ability that will allow people to grow and become more sensitive to what other people want from them. For most couples, their sex lives can either make or break their relationship. Sex in a committed relationship is fulfilling and gives people the physical release that they need. Sex on a strictly biological level brings in new life and is necessary for our name and genetic line to continue, and when couples can’t have children it can potentially ruin the relationship. While it is difficult to discuss, sex is a crucial part of our life and cannot be avoided. It is important to treasure our sexuality and relationships because they are both vital to our mental psyche and physical health.

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