The Importance Of Hook-Up Culture In The Gay Community

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Would you be comfortable handing out nude pictures of yourself to strangers on a busy street? Or would you be okay with knowing that hundreds of individuals in your area have seen you at your most vulnerable state? This is an issue that I have become all too familiar with in today’s society, especially in the gay community. In the gay community, the “hook-up” culture has become the norm of relationships and is now something the world identifies the LGBT community with. This issue has been thrust upon and adopted by the LGBT community through history and is now sustained and made even more accessible through the use of mobile apps. The real question is how did we as a society and a community let this issue get this accepted, and what are we going to do to bring meaningful relationships to the forefront?
First, I think it’s required that I give some background on how the “hook-up” culture began for myself, and others who identify themselves as LGBT. For most of us who identify as LGBT, it was definitely a process to even get to the point to say to ourselves “I’m gay” or “I’m bi-sexual”. The reason for this lack of self-acceptance stems from how we are perceived in today’s society and fear of not being accepted by those around us and beyond. However, once we get to that point of self-acceptance, the …show more content…

We as an LGBT community have come a long way in the past few decades, and to reverse the progress that we have made simply because we cannot see the impact that we have on one another and the generations to follow is ignorant. I challenge all LGBT people to remember back to that time when they thought they could never fall in love or have a real relationship, and then reflect on where they are in life today. Don’t you want something more than a

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