Gays on College Campuses and the Problems They Face

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Gays on College Campuses and the Problems They Face Gays in today’s society face many problems not only with the Media’s eyes, but also on college campuses. Young adults who self-identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual experience major stresses in managing their sexual orientation. They are at risk for many types of mental &, health problems along with suicide and depression. The gay and lesbian youth and young adults who are more open about their sexuality than others are exposed to frequent derogatory comments about them. This is not only in the media by always harping about them on TV but, also on campuses by other college students. In addition victimization can be more serious than verbal abuse or threats and some youth are the victims of a risen number of assaults and other hate crimes committed against gays and lesbians (Comstock, 1991; Herek, 1989 pg. 246). For college students who identify themselves as gay or lesbian, normative expectations of identity exploration render much more complex as they simultaneously confront the processes of lesbian and gay identity development. Although most lesbian and gay adults acknowledge their sexual orientation to themselves during adolescence, most have not “came out” by the time they enter their college or university (D’Augelli, 1991 pg. 247). Although several studies involving college students in their samples (e.g., Savin-Williams, 1990 pg. 247) no reliable estimate of the number of college students is available. The suicide rate for gays and lesbians is that most of them occur during their youth, they are twice to three times as likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts and gay and lesbian youth may constitute up to 30% of all completed suicides ( Gibson,1... ... middle of paper ... ...o them and that is being a human being. They have to always put down those who make the decision to love who they love and if that is, someone of the same sex then so be it, we are not the ones to judge people even though we do it’s ultimately god’s word and his and his only decision to accept them into his gate of heaven. Works Cited Dilley, Patrick. "Practices and Policies to Control Gay Students." The Review of Higher Education 25.4 (2002): 409-31. Print. Nichols, James. "Campus Pride Releases 2013 "Top LGBT Friendly Universities and Colleges." The Huffington Post (2013): n. pg. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. . "Preventing Mental Health Problems among Lesbian and Gay College Students." The Journal of Primary Prevention (1993): n. pg. Rpt. in 4th ed. Vol. 13. N.p.: n.p., 1993. 245-67. Print.

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