The Importance Of Educational Journey

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This phrase means to me that I have to assume responsibility for my own educational journey. First of all, I feel the need to learn and I enjoy the procedure. As a consequence, I take action and pursue any educational opportunity that arises, and when there is no apparent opportunity on the horizon, I try to create one. Since the need to learn is in my DNA, as a critically thinking adult I owe it to myself to do it the right way and to take as much as possible from every occasion. To do this, I employ different strategies I have learned through the years, and when none of those work properly or efficiently enough I try to find new ones or tailor an old one to address my new needs.
Personal reflections:
- Takes ownership of the learning process …show more content…

-> One of the best perks here at UoPeople is that we have the opportunity to learn as a group. By reading the answers of our peers and commenting on them we engage in discussions that promote and better our learning experience. Furthermore, when we peer assess we are facing assignments from the other side and gain a clearer view of what is asked of us to do. In addition, we develop our skills while helping others develop theirs, which is a win-win scenario.
- Seeks out the available resources and understands the scope of the University, its departments, and its learning philosophy and approach. -> UoPeople gives us access to vast amounts of information and knowledge through the online libraries free of charge. Also, it has several departments to help us in every step of the way. Finally, its unique approach and philosophy are two of the reasons why I chose to pursue a degree here.
- Understands the importance of applying the knowledge learned in the classroom to continued personal and career development potential. -> Knowledge that is not used is like books in a closed library; they both just occupy space. Also, when knowledge is not used for some time, it slips into oblivion, which is such a shame if we think of what a person did to acquire it. Therefore, I try to use as much as possible of what I have learned and implement it in real life with views to better myself and my

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