The Importance Of Communication?

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“I 've had enough of you”- Him “You are obviously cheating on me” - Her “Think whatever you want, there 's no pleasing you in any way”-Him. This is usually how an argument between a couple starts off which then could lead to many different assumptions. In order to have to a healthy relationship, communication is key and being able to express to your partner in a healthy manner. Both John Gray and Deborah Tannen discuss how everyone has a different way of expressing their feelings and thoughts but they both agreed that it doesn 't only affect the ones in the argument but the people they are surrounded by. This is something many do not take in consideration while being in an argument with someone. Poor communication can lead to the loss of …show more content…

But that is not always the case, couples have to be able to communicate with one another. Unfortunately couples do not realize that and are quick to blame on the other person and think that they are always right. This is caused by having poor communication skills and it is not just “she 's wrong, I 'm right.” There are many factors that lead to not knowing how to communicate with orders. The way one was raised plays a big role. Male and females have always been separated. Think about it, in elementary school, during lunch the boys would sit on side of the table, while the girls sat on the other. According to Deborah Tannen, she explains how since we were children our childhood socialization was disoriented by the way the system was set up. In "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" by John Gray shows us a different perspective on the way couples communicate in a relationships. John Gray states, “But offering help to a man can make him feel incompetent, weak and even unloved.” This is something men have a hard time expressing and women have a hard time understanding. Us women are use to naturally giving love and wanting to help our significant other as much as we can. Also naturally caring and loving. But a common misconception both articles share is how women often think men do not care or are not paying attention since they are quick to offer a solution to whatever problem the women is

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