The Importance Of Advancement Thinking

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What is wrong with advancement thinking? Advancement thinking is a combination of multiple thought processes. One thought process of advancement thinking is things get better with time. Another thought process is things get better through basic evolution. Although both thought processes have some truths to them, each does not guarantee a distinct outcome. One of the forums of advancement thinking is Naturalism. According Bush (2030, “Naturalism, however, is false, and the evidence is compelling that this is so” (p.77). Simply because no one knows exactly how it will come forth or when will it be. Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 8: 6-7, “Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him. For he knoweth not that which shall be: for With that being said, there is a lot wrong with advancement thinking. For example, Matthew 2:2, “For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him." (ESV). Plus, Matthew 2:11, “And having come into the house, they found the Child with His mother Mary…..” (ESV). These passages of scripture detailed a point of reference, which undercovers a timeline of approximately two years. As Solomon apologetically stated, “For man knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be?” From these point of references, we see the idea of inevitable progress have dominated much of the cultural and intellectual landscape, but the magi were incorrect in their advancement thinking. First, advancement thinking enlightens the individual as to think they have it all under control. Plus, that their way has the answer to the simplest questions that no one else seems to have an answer for. According to Groothuis, Christian apologist’s responsibility when it comes to addressing mysterious doctrine is we must subject all doctrine to the same

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