Compare And Contrast Mind-Set And Equitable Education By Malcolm Gladwell

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In “The Matthew Effect”, Canadian journalist and author Malcolm Gladwell claims that circumstances determine who is and isn’t successful. In “Mind-sets and Equitable Education”, Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck argues that those with growth mindsets are more eligible to obtain and experience success than those with fixed mindsets. Although these texts may seem to contradict one another, they are actually similar in many ways.Gladwell’s and Dweck’s texts may differ in the sense that one regards to the circumstances leading to success, meanwhile the other claims that believing in oneself can lead to success, but are quite similar due to the fact that circumstances could help motivate and encourage one to accomplish their goals. In “The …show more content…

People with growth mind-sets often believe that one can succeed simply by trying and having the motivation to do so. On the other hand, those with fixed mind-sets believe they are either good or bad at something, while attempting something for the first time. If one can easily do math while another can’t, the one who can’t accepts it and doesn’t feel the need to try succeeding further because they’re just not good at it in the first place. Comparatively, obtaining and grasping onto having a growth mind-set could then help one into succeeding, regardless of where one grew up or where one was raised. Keeping this mind-set in tact could help one forget about any circumstances that they may have grown up in, regardless of socio economical status, and to become more motivated. Keeping a growth mind-set could lead one to success, not because of their wealth status, but because of their actions and the circumstances that led them to that point. Regardless of where one is born or how wealthy their family may be, having and maintaining a growth mind-set could then lead to success, and circumstances could help motivate one into trying harder and achieving more than they originally

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