The History Of Cosplay

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Cosplay is a combination of the words costume and play (Winge, 2006, p.65). Cosplay involves people transforming themselves into fictional characters by creating and wearing costumes (Okabe, 2012, p. 226). Often cosplay involves learning the mannerisms of the selected character or dialogue and attending conventions and events acting as that character (Okabe, 2012, P.225). The term “cosplay” wasn’t coined until 1984 by a Japanese anime director named Takahashi Nobuyuki (Kelts, 2006, p.287). After seeing people dressed as sicence fiction characters at World Con Los Angeles, Nobuyuki used the term to describe the scene and encouraged Japanese fans to use costumes in the same way (Winge, 2006, p. 66). Cosplay started to become increasingly popular …show more content…

56). Despite the origin of the word cosplay, cosplay is largely thought of as directly inspired by Japanese popular culture (Okabe, 2012). Many of the conventions that these cosplayers attend, also known as ‘Cons’ for short, began popping up in many cities in the United States in the 1990s (Pollak, 2006). Currently, conventions are held in around 30 states in the United States (Leng, 2013, p.90). As popularity for these conventions grow, more and more people have started to participate in the act of cosplay (Leng, 2013, p.90). With the emergence of cosplay trends such as gender-bending, cross-playing, and mashups it is interesting to look into how traditional expressions of gender roles and identity are undermined in the cosplay community. In this paper, I plan to investigate the relationship between gender roles, gender identity and gender expression through participation in …show more content…

The SyFy Channel’s reality television show Heroes of Cosplay follows a predominately female cast of cosplayers as they participate in several competitions on the fan convention circuit (Brady et al, 2013). Suzanne Scott notes that, in the show, men are shown as the “invisible laborers” whose work is confined to domestic spaces, while their partners, the female cosplayers, move freely through and work in the “public sphere” by participating in conventions (Scott, 2015, p. 152). This can be seen as a direct gender role reversal from traditional gender roles. Traditional gender roles say that women should be mothers and place family over potential careers (). While men should, according to traditional gender roles, be the worker in the outside world and be “bread winners”(). Additionally, traditional gender roles leave the work women do in the home under appreciated whereas in the show it is seen that the women take the bulk of the acknowledgement regardless of the male participation in constructing the costumes (Scott, 2015, p. 152). Heroes of Cosplay has been criticized in some instances for verifying what Suzanne Scott says is the “inherent masculinity of material fan labor” (Scott, 2015, p.153). The show has also been criticized for downplaying the women’s work on their costumes implying that the men actually do the bulk of the work while the women are just objects whose purpose is to display these works (Scott,

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