The Hardest Decision: Mountain Pointe High School

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The hardest decision I have made was one I won’t forget because it put me through an emotional and nerve racking phase. I was told I can make my own decisions because I am now older, but this decision everyone seemed they were choosing for me. I had to choose where I wanted to go to school, also, my career that I would be interested in, and one that has always been with me is choosing whether or not to play a sport. These things were not easy for me to choose from, the things that were set out for me were different and more serious. For me, choosing a school to go to, my career, and a sport to play was the thing I did not want to do; this is my hardest decision. First of all, choosing a school was difficult at the time, many were bad schools and others were good schools. So after many days of thinking, I had narrowed my choices down to two high schools. One high school was four hours away from home, that was Alchesay High School and the other was about five minutes away, that one was Mountain Pointe High School. I had to think more. I could either stay with my mom and sisters in Phoenix or leave and stay with my grandma back on our reservation. While thinking of a high school to go to, I also had to think of what …show more content…

Since I was little I always wanted to go to the military and be a doctor. I know I could accomplish both, then networking had come up as another idea and I have been undecided since then. I want to go to the Marines or Navy to help with cyber security and be on the field, helping to fight. Networking would help me in that field, but I also knew that there would be different jobs for me. Being a nurse I would spend more time in school and I wouldn’t really be caught up with everything if I pick a different job. The things I want to do as a career are challenging, different and this another one of my hard decisions that I have to

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